People want to be “cool” and up to date with the new technology- the MACs are advertised as the desirable, must have computers. The MAC is sleek and simple, whereas, the PC is inconvenient and outdated.

The white color represents purity and simplicity, which in turns creates a feeling that process of switching computers will be feasible and simple. The viewers and potential buyers can easily relate to the MAC because his casual clothing, relaxed body language, and overall loosely but professional manner represents a smarter, younger, more modern and contemporary user which is the target audience of Apple.

By creating relatable characters, Apple has invented a product that is seemingly necessary for everyday life. The viewer is able to relate to one of the men and therefore the character they would rather be is clear, and in turn clearly represents the computer the viewer wants. The Apple computer not only uses fear as persuasion technique but they also create relatable characters for their audience. This metaphor exemplifies the viewers’ own fear that their PC may get a virus as well. PC commercials PC is portrayed to be sick and the MAC to be healthy. PC commercials, emotional appeal is used to help the audience relate to the characters and in turn relate to the computers. The commercial appeals emotionally, logically, and ethically, to advertise MAC computers as emotionally fitting, more proficiently equipped, up to date, and better suited to a younger generation than the seemingly incompetent PC. Throughout the commercial, the PC is suffering while the MAC is prevailing easily in any task it tries to complete. The commercials make PC users aware of the reasons their computers are inadequate and attempt to persuade them to buy a MAC instead. The advertisements audience reaches a wide demographic who own or are looking to own a computer and therefore stride for all information on their options. By emphasizing the benefits of the MAC and how they override the defects of the PC, viewers can easily compare and contrast the two products. PC (John Hodgeman) commercials are witty, entertaining, and successfully advertise the MAC computer, while cleverly portraying to the audience the flaws of the PC. With the overwhelming need for computers, the question ‘what kind of computer should I purchase?’ arises. They are used for communication, recreation, work, and a multitude of other aspects of living. In contemporary society, computers have become not only a common accessory, but a necessity as well.